
Prison stories from Hohenasperg followed by a prison menu in the Schubart Stube

Prison stories from Hohenasperg followed by a prison menu in the Schubart Stube

Date: Sunday, June 16, 2024 from 4:45 p.m.

An approximately 1-hour guided tour of Hohenasperg on the subject of prisons about

  • the origins of prisons,
  • the prison system in Baden-Württemberg in the past and today,
  • the daily routine of a prisoner
  • the institution for mentally ill prisoners set up on the mountain at the beginning of the 20th century,
  • stories of prisoners and refugees.

After the tour, the Schubart Stube serves a three-course “prison menu”.

Tour guide: Markus Deutsch

Meeting point: Hohenasperg / at the display boards at the upper parking lot

Duration: Guided tour approx. 1 hour, menu depending on how long you “sit”

Price: €49.00 per person for the guided tour and prison menu (drinks not included)

Participation only with prior registration with Mr. Deutsch on +49 (0) 7141 260538 or via e-mail to mrj.deutsch@arcor.de.