2023: an eventful year

2023: an eventful year

Over the past 355 days, we have worked hard, shared and gathered many experiences with our guests. We say goodbye to 2023 with our Christmas menus on December 25th and 26th and the New Year's Eve party on December 31st. All seats for these last events of the year are sold out. 

In 2023, we organised a concert by "Permanent Vacation", two Spanish evenings in the tapas bar "Aguila", the 2nd "Bergfest" on the Hohenasperg, four wine tastings with various wineries, two etiquette and protocol trainings, a beer tasting with "'s Esele", our annual Kitchen Party and the 2023 Annual General Conference of Jeunes Restaurateurs Germany, among others 

On the culinary front, we added vegan dishes to the menus of our restaurants at the beginning of the year. In April, the Schwabenstube was awarded a Michelin star for the 17th time in a row. At the end of July, the Hawaiian cook Alan Wong joined our kitchen team as a guest chef for a customer's birthday party, and we developed further products for "Adler's fine cuisine in a glass"

In the summer, we received the bronze award of the DEHOGA environmental certificate, which certifies our sustainability efforts. In 2023, we welcomed eight new trainees to our hotel and restaurants. 12 members of the Adler team were interviewed for the Adler Kurier. 

Behind these milestones and figures is a dedicated team and, above all, the support and loyalty of our guests. We are very grateful for this.

We look forward to 2024 and to welcoming regular guests and new customers to the Hotel Adler Asperg

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