A conversation with Christian Heller, hotel manager at the Adler Asperg
Christian Heller has been working at the Hotel Adler Asperg since 1997. First, he completed an apprenticeship as a cook with an additional qualification at the Förderer von Hotellerie und Gastronomie (FHG e.V.). After completing a degree at the Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in 2003 with a focus on hotel and catering management, he made a career at the Adler Asperg. In March 2022, he was promoted from deputy manager to hotel manager.
A year ago, you were promoted from deputy of the management to hotel director. How do your tasks today differ from the tasks of your former position?
I am even more present than before, I have direct contact with the restaurant visitors and enjoy talking to the guests. I am also responsible for the entire management - from organizing all operational processes to implementing sales concepts. Furthermore, I am the link between the Ottenbacher family and the staff, and co-responsible for the technical, as well as for the commercial management of the Adler.
What do you like most about your job?
I like the variety at work - every day is different. There are always new challenges to master and new goals to achieve. At the same time, my colleagues are the most important thing for me. In my opinion, they make for success and quality. As Henry Ford said: 'Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success?'
What challenges and opportunities do you see in the hospitality industry today?
Speed, flexibility and agile thinking have never been more in demand. Nowadays, our guests decide on an event at short notice. This demands a high degree of adaptability from us.
Sustainability in the hospitality industry goes without saying. There are federal and EU regulations on this. We are also aware of the need to protect and preserve our planet. This is currently considered the biggest influencing factor in the entire value chain in the hotel industry. These framework conditions require high agility, a lot of self-motivation and resilience strategies from all of us in the gastronomy and hotel industry, then we can also survive and succeed in the future.
How have guests changed?
In recent years, society has changed due to external circumstances and influences.
At the Adler Asperg, we strive to meet the needs and wishes of our guests so that they appreciate our work and performance and feel comfortable with us.
For the future, I wish for satisfied and happy employees, as well as grateful and happy guests.