Ceviche, new dish at Schwabenstube

Ceviche is a traditional fish dish from Peruvian cuisine, which is now widespread not only in Latin America but also in gourmet restaurants like the Schwabenstube.

Ceviche is usually prepared with a white-fleshed fish. The fish is cut raw into small pieces, salted and marinated in the so-called "Leche de Tigre" (tiger's milk), which is made with onions, chilli, coriander and lime juice, among other ingredients. The fish dish is delicious and tastes fresh. It is also low in calories, high in protein and boosts body energy.

You can currently try ceviche with kingfish marinated in pineapple and lime with shaved baby fennel in lime dressing and radishes at Schwabenstube.

Here is a recipe from our chef, Max Speyer, if you want to make ceviche yourself.

For four portions of ceviche you need 300 gr. monkfish fillet. Before preparation, it is recommended to soak the fish in a 20% salt-water solution for several hours and then freeze it for a few days. 
In the meantime, you can prepare the "Leche de Tigre" and the "Leche de Tigre foam", the herb oil and the grapefruit gel. 

For the "Leche de Tigre" you need:

  • one red onion, cut into fine strips 
  • three stalks of celery, one of which is finely diced, the other two are juiced
  • one green chilli without seeds 
  • 20 g. Coriander greens with stems
  • 30 g. peeled ginger
  • one clove of garlic
  • one teaspoon salt
  • one teaspoon palm sugar
  • half a cucumber, juiced, without seeds and peel
  • 300 ml. pineapple juice
  • four juiced limes
  • 20 ml. Vinegar essence
  • 4 g. Xantana per litre of liquid

Mix these ingredients well in a stand mixer, except for half of the red onion strips and the celery cubes, and strain through a very fine sieve.

The "Leche de Tigre" foam is prepared with the following ingredients:

  • one red onion, cut into fine strips
  • three stalks of celery, one of them juiced.
  • one green chilli without seeds
  • 10 g. coriander greens with stems
  • 30 g. peeled ginger
  • one clove of garlic
  • one teaspoon salt
  • one teaspoon palm sugar
  • two juiced cucumbers, without seeds and peel
  • four juiced limes
  • 20 ml. vinegar essence
  • 30 gr. proespuma per litre of liquid

Mix the ingredients in a standard blender and strain through a fine sieve. Use this to fill a 0.5 litre Espuma bottle.

For the herb oil, 50 g. Parsley, 10 g. Coriander, 30 g. Spinach and 300 g. neutral oil. After heating the oil to about 60 degrees, it is mixed with the herbs in a stand mixer for five minutes. The liquid is then strained through a fine sieve and the solids discarded.

The grapefruit gel is mixed with 100 ml. Grapefruit juice, 1,4 g. Agar-Agar and 30 g. Sugar. First mix the sugar and agar-agar, then add to the grapefruit juice and bring to the boil briefly. After the mixture has been chilled for a few hours, it is pureed with a hand blender. 

The monkfish fillet and the fennel are cut into fine slices, salted and marinated with some of the "Leche de Tigre". As a base, place the fish on the plate first, with the fennel on top. Now it is time to add the grapefruit gel in dots on the plate. Garnish the dish with red onions and fennel greens. Finally, the "Leche de Tigre foam" is placed on the fish. 

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